CosFest Craftsmanship Judging Form
In order to participate in the craftsmanship award category, you must make an appointment to be judged *prior* to your CosFest performance. The craftsmanship awards are based on the design, construction, execution, and general presentation of your costume/costumes.
Each person must fill out this form, even if you are in a group.
Group Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Contestant's Real Name:_____________________________________________________________________
The Judges would prefer that each competitor bring at least one color picture, preferably two, of each character the costume entries represent.
Character Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Name of Series / Game that your character is from: _____________________________________________
Do you wish to be judged as an individual, or as part of a group? Individual Group Both
Please note that an entire group does not have to participate in the craftsmanship judging. An individual from a group can participate in craftsmanship judging on his/her own if he/she wishes to. However, if you wish to be judged as a group, all members of a group must be judged at the same time.
Who made this costume? ________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever worn this costume to a previous convention? Yes No
If yes, did you win any awards for costume this costume? Yes No
What were those awards? ________________________________________________________________________
How many conventions have you participated in a costume competition? ___________________________________
Please note that costumes purchased or rented from a costume shop, designer direct, eBay, Yahoo Auctions, Yahoo Japan Auctions, Cospa, or other Japanese or American store-bought costumes are prohibited and will negate your eligibility (and your group's eligibility, even if only one person in the group has disqualified costume) for a performance and/or craftsmanship prize. There are two notable exceptions, please see below:
I understand the above and agree that I created this costume myself or as part of a group effort. I agree that neither I nor anyone else has worn this costume in any previous Pacific Media Expo costume contest.
Your name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________