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Cosplay at Pacific Media Expo!
Awards | CosFest Links | Cosplay Festival Competition | Hall Cosplay | Twisted Tea Party | Weapons Policy
Cosplay Festival Competition
CosFest is our Official Cosplay Competition!
3pm - 6pm, Long Beach Convention Center, Concert Hall (LBCC
104AB), September 4, 2005
Seating begins at 2:30pm
Everyone is encouraged to attend this well-loved event! This will truly be a cosplay extravaganza, with great skits, special performances, and amazing costumes.
Take it to the next level and enter the PMX CosFest and compete against your fellow fans for cash and prizes! Being in CosFest is simple and fun... just bring a CD of your favorite music, or pick from our collection, and strut your stuff on the stage!
We welcome costumes from J-Rock to J-Pop to Anime to C-Pop to Asian film, Asian animation, Asian comics, Asian-origin video games, or Asian music stars. We also welcome EGL (Elegant Gothic Lolita) and EGA (Elegant Gothic Aristocrat).
PMX would like to thank FUNimation for its generous donation of prizes to the CosFest.
Award Category 1: Presentation/Performance
$500 -> Best of Show
$100 -> Judges Award
$100 -> Judges Award
$100 -> Judges Award
Prize Package -> Best of Show, Junior/Youth
Prize Package -> Honorable Mention
Award Category 2: Craftsmanship
$500 -> Best of Show, Group
$300 -> Best of Show,
$200 -> Design Award
$100 -> Judges Award
$100 -> Judges Award
$100 -> Judges Award
Prize Package -> Honorable Mention, Group
Prize Package -> Honorable Mention, Individual
CosFest Links
- 2005 Winners! (Updated 09/08/05)
- See all Registered Groups (Updated 09/08/05)
- Guidelines
- Timeline
- Cosplay Forum
- Contact Coordinator
- Music FAQ
- Sample Judging Questions
- Craftsmanship Judging Form
- Minor Permission Form
Hall Cosplay
Visual Kei, GothLoli, Gaming, Manwha, Anime, Asian Cinema - whatever your genre, show off your skills at PMX! Everyone is welcome to participate in Hall Cosplay; wear your costume as you enjoy the convention. HOWEVER, please be sure to read and follow the Weapons Policy below to ensure you have the best possible cosplay experience.
Any genre of cosplay is allowed for Hall Cosplay, but all costumes must be suitable for all audiences. This convention is a family-friendly event, and there will be people of all ages present throughout the convention. Please keep this in mind when designing and choosing your costumes, and allow your common sense and good taste to prevail. Pacific Media Expo reserves the right to deem a costume as unacceptable and request the wearer make modifications as necessary.
Twisted Tea Party
The Twisted Tea Party (Gothic Lolita Event) is where you and your team can strut your stuff in costuming to presentations skills. The goal of this event is simple. Create a living exhibit of a Lolita Tea Party complete with backdrops, costumes, and props. It can be any genre. Cute Loli, Morbid Loli, or invent your own. This is a great opportunity for budding costumes, interior, and visual communication designers in a rare opportunity to combine their forces to create a stunning exhibit, and add a very unique entry to your portfolios. Basic materials such as tables and chairs/benches will be provided upon request, and we'll even flip the bill transporting your scenery/props to and from PMX. Press is invited to the event. Lastly, there will be a prize of $100 to the best over all exhibit.Click here for more details on this new event.

Weapons Policy
(1) Summary
The goal of the Pacific Media Association (PMA) is to create an environment where attendees
can enjoy themselves as much as possible. However, this must be done without affecting the
experience of others. This requires the cooperation of all attendees and the use of common
sense and courtesy when costuming. PMA bears no responsibility or liability for any damage(s)
incurred by the use of costumes, props, or weapons. Any infraction may result in further
tightening of our possibility, decreasing the entire cosplay experience for the attendees.
Because of high profile events that have heightened safety concerns, real weapons are
prohibited at Pacific Media Expo and other PMA events.
(2) Compliance with Laws
All weapons worn as props (simulations, replicas, etc.) must conform to all state, local and
federal laws, including but not limited to the "Dangerous Weapons Control Law," Part 4, Title 2,
Section 1200-12590 of the California Penal Code (CPC). All such props must be registered with
the Long Beach Convention Center and/or Pacific Media Expo for compliance.
California law prohibits convention attendees from carrying genuine firearms whether loaded or unloaded. All genuine firearms must be checked with the hotel at the door. Any person found to have firearms in their possession (except those covered under section 12002 of the CPC) at the convention is subject to arrest and confiscation of their weapon by the Long Beach Police Department. Furthermore, they may have their membership revoked by the PMA, and be asked to leave and check out of the participating hotel(s).
(3) Prohibited Weapons
All weapons functional or nonfunctional, such as firearms, crossbows, throwing knives, stars,
bows, boomerangs, darts, flame throwers, tazers (stun guns), etc. are prohibited.
(4) Replica Weapons
Replica weapons, which must only be used as props or display, may be allowed if the replica
weapon is INSPECTED, APPROVED, AND PEACE BONDED (see Section 6 for details on peace bonding)
BY PACIFIC MEDIA EXPO SECURITY STAFF. Use of the replica weapon may be revoked at anytime
without cause or warning. The Long Beach Police, Hyatt Regency Security, and Renaissance
Security also have the option of revoking an attendee's right to display a replica weapon.
(5) Props
All props that look threatening or that can still potentially injure others must be
inspected by the Long Beach Convention Center, Hyatt Regency Long Beach, Renaissance Hotel
Long Beach, or PMA. All parties reserve the right to insist on inspection and approval of all
props. The bearer will be required to sign a legal waiver excluding anyone else from legal
obligation concerning the weapon and any damage(s) resulting from its use. Full information
of the owner of the prop (membership number, room number, phone number, address, etc.) plus a
description of the weapon itself will be required. This information will be kept by the Long
Beach Convention Center and/or Pacific Media Expo.
(6) Inspection & Peace Bonding
PMA requires that all weapons/replicas/props be inspected by Pacific Media Expo Security.
Peace Bonding is the process of marking and/or binding of props. In certain cases, props may
be bound in such a way as to render them unusable. Peace Bonding is performed at the Pacific
Media Expo Security room. Peace Bonding may also occur anytime at the discretion of Security
staff on the field. The owner/bearer of the weapon is solely responsible for the weapon and
its usage, even if he/she is not the wielder, and even if the weapon has been inspected.
Images are copyright of their respective owners. Used with permission. All information subject to change.